brazilian gas station murders

posted january 7th 2006

hey. this is the first time i'm ever writing about my independent true crime investigations in this blog because this case hit close to home, since i work on the same road it happened. i don't know if you may have recently heard of the brazilian gas station deaths, so i'm making here a summary:

3 workers were found dead in the male bathroom of a gas station in imigrantes road on january 3rd. on the night before they were found, a series of photos of the bodies were posted on one of the dead's myspace blog. the police report says this person was the one who murdered the other two. i checked them myself before they were taken down and it's horrifying - warning for strong images.

[file name: ONLY_A_CASUALTY.png]

[file name: FOR_THE_GREATER_MISSION.png]

they seemed to have had their faces completely difigured from them being bashed over and over again mercilessly. from my research, i've been able to find the identities of each of the people involved in this case. they are as follows:

1st victim, camila fonseca, 27 years old.

2nd victim, fábio assunção, 56 years old. he left a wife and two kids.

the murderer, lilian paiva, 20 years old. she had no previous criminal record.

now, what makes this case especially intriguing is that the person that posted the pictures' cause of death hasn't been determined yet, but they don't think it's a suicide. furthermore, along with the pictures of the victims, there was also this image of a bloody page.


it seems to have "i was not the one" written repeatedly in an obssessive manner, but i don't really recognize the symbol on the top. kind of resembles a face. i'm trying to make out what this means, but maybe she was just mentally ill in some way.

i tried prying onto lilian's myspace before it was closed and she seemed like your everyday college student, and was quite popular too. this whole incident seemed to come as a shock for her friends and even for their other coworkers. i'm not sure what her motivation behind this is.

i'm also patiently waiting for the cause of death to be divulged, because if it's not a murder suicide, then what happened to lilian?

does anyone have more info on this to share?? PM me please. i'm open to trying to work out any more information you may have on this mystery. thanks.

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