kamiii_ (@bowewryelectrik) Is Kami's Twitter account, found from the very end of Episode 1. She primarily uses it to talk about her experiences and thoughts, but ocassionally puts links to bits of lore that she finds, such as the Fundação Mariposa Truth blog [1] and various pictures.

The twitter posts are recreated here from oldest to newest for conveniencey's sake, but you can also read them newest to oldest here. Post types are organized by lore relevancy. Anything between brackets [] is added on by the webmaster for context.

Unrelated / Retweets

[Retweet] my bloody valentine bot (@mbvbot)
Jun 16, 2022

you can sit up and look out at the sky
still, you're out on your own at night
i can hear you
i can hear you

Jun 16, 2022

i could vent here couldn't i

[Retweet] Liminal Spaces (@SpaceLiminalBot)
Jun 16, 2022

[Retweet] slowdive lyric bot (@slowdivelyric)
Jun 16, 2022

leaving all my sins, i turn away
like soaring birds i watch my sorrows play

Jun 17, 2022

i am reaching stars-height levels of boredom......

Sep 21, 2022

why does nobody ever answer me on twitter?? i don't know how to make friends in this app...it almost feels like no one can see my tweets at all

Sep 25, 2022

twitter is really like a whole another universe...sometimes i try to chat with people irl about what i see here and they look so confused haha

[Retweet] cats who share one braincell (@CATBRAINCELL)
Sep 24, 2022

He has arrived.

[Retweet] slowdive lyric bot (@slowdivelyric)
Sep 25, 2022

i hear your voice
but it can't bring me back
i'm dreaming of all the things
i ever thought i had

Sep 25, 2022

june already, huh....this year is going by too fast and too much is happening..

Sep 25, 2022

why can't i feel anything about anything? i feel like i've lost the ability to cry..

Sep 25, 2022

sometimes i feel like i just can't keep going.

Oct 16, 2022

i want my friends back :(

[Reply to Watermelon4446 explaining tone tags:] Nov 4, 2023

oh cool!! i had never seen those before. T.I.L. haha

[Retweet] slowdive lyric bot (@slowdivelyric)
Nov 29, 2022

she whispers while i'm sleeping:
"i love you when you smile"
i didn't really lose you
i just lost it for a while

[Reply to Watermelon4446 showing her an Among Us meme:] Jan 4, 2023

it's cute! what is that?

[Quote Retweet of Watermelon4446 saying it's a meme from the future:] Jan 4, 2023

haha it does look futuristic but i don't get why it's funny! if we're sharing memes, i lol'd at this one!

[Reply to Watermelon4446 sharing Leek Spin:] Jan 4, 2023

haha that's great!! i hadn't seen it

[Retweet] my bloody valentine bot (@mbvbot)
Dec 15, 2022

insane eyes
you made me realise

Dec 30, 2022

is it just for me that 2007 is being the worst year ever?

Relevant to Imigrantes road

Jun 16, 2022

finallyyyyy a holiday. work has been eating me alive especially when i can't sleep no matter how hard i try.

Sep 22, 2022

my friend just told me they had a seizure....oh god...that makes me so worried....they seem okay now though

Sep 25, 2022

i mean...i really like them. like, really really like them. so of course i'm very worried

Sep 25, 2022

look at us!! ^~^ i really like how this picture turned out...

Sep 25, 2022

i like taking the subway to work....it makes weird noises on the way

Sep 25, 2022

ok so i know i haven't tweeted in a while....but both of my coworkers have started to freak me out. they're just being so weird all the time....i don't know how to explain it but it feels like everyone has changed except me...

Sep 25, 2022

my friend who knew i was afraid of bugs shoved a moth on my face yesterday and i just....i feel like they'd never do that :( idk what has been happening to them but...i don't know....i used to like them so much but it's so hard now.

Sep 25, 2022

i'm convinced conspiracy theories may have just rotted my friend's brain...man...

Sep 25, 2022

hi. it's been a while. i went through something horrible a month ago and it still hurts to speak about it.
my friend died and i found his body. it's been...hard to not think about that moment everyday. and i have no one to talk to, i just feel alone and disturbed and...idk.

[Reply to Watermelon4446 wishing well:]

hey, i just saw this now... that's kind. thank you. x

Sep 25, 2022

it feels like my other friend doesn't even care, which hurts even worse. they're not the person i had once met. something....something must have happened to their brain....i just....i miss them. i miss both of them. so bad.

Jun 16, 2022

so i've asked my friend to take a photo of my cute phone so i could post it here but look at their failed attempt...haha
it's funny how despite everything sometimes they're still the only one who can make me laugh..

they used to be so tech savvy...way, WAY much more tha anyone i knew. but today i had to explain them how to take a picture on a phone, basically....sigh

*than.....why can't tweets be edited for silly typos..

Sep 25, 2022

i've just got told that my recently deceased friend's girlfriend dissappeared like...just a few days before she died???? what????????? that's so terrifying and weird..

Nov 4, 2022

i took a break from posting...i had much to think about. but i'm a bit better now. still, i have no idea of anything that is going on..

[Reply to Watermelon4446 asking about her friends:]

well........ unfortunately.. .no, they're not okay. one of them passed recently and the other....it's tough to explain...

[Reply to Watermelon4446 wishing well:]

thanks....you're like, the first person to reach out and it really makes me feel less alone.

Nov 4, 2022

but.....maybe i could find some way to understand. i just need to find where to look first. i need some way to see what happened to my friends, because i can't just ask them in the state they are.

Nov 4, 2022

too bad they were never ones for social media haha...socorro would stick to forums because they felt like it was quieter. but bento i have no idea..

[Reply to Watermelon4446 suggesting how to find Bento online:]

hmmm maybe....
i think i remember him having a youtube channel for his band?? his girlfriend was also a part of it. but oh god, i can't remember the name for my life..
also, what does (/pos) mean? haha sorry, i don't know if that's a programming thing??

[Reply to Watermelon4446 asking about search keywords:]

maybe...i'm gonna try asking my friend socorro about it when i meet them at work later. who knows? perhaps somehow they still remember..

Nov 4, 2022

has anyone seen a band that has these two people? i'm trying to remember their name..it's a brazilian goth rock band..

[Quote Retweet of the above] Jan 4, 2023

i've remembered!! they're called papo furado....but...the band doesn't exist anymore. one of the members died, and the other....well....she's missing...

Feb 28, 2023

okay. maybe i should get my shit together and start looking more into socorro's blog......but it's just so hard to see it. i started reading it and stopped.

Mar 3, 2023

oh god....this just happened!

Mar 8, 2023

i remember someone else knew of socorro's blog here so that's why i'm posting it.......but they were talking a lot about a cult. i think i might have found something...

[Quote Retweet of Xx_gothaggot_xX asking about what she found:]

this. i found this. https://mariposatruth.blogspot.com

Relevant to ARG

Nov 29, 2022

umm this might be a shot in the dark but....does anyone know anything about the brazilian gas station murders?

[Reply to Watermelon4446 questioning the event's frequency:]

it's not thankfully haha... but i work in the road so word got around that there was a massacre in a nearby gas station...i don't know a whole lot about it but my coworker kept mentioning it a while back, so i kind of wanted to look into it again..

[Reply to Watermelon4446 sending her Socorro's SpaceHey blog:]

that's my friend's blog? i didn't know she had one???
where did you find this? i'm going to read this all now ..
i mean....they did mention that they were in tech forums sometimes, but they wrote so much more in this site !

[Reply to Xx_gothaggot_xX commenting on the creepiness of the blog:]

these are horrible pictures...even censored. it's horrifying to think it happened so close to me..

what is this haha ...getting a bit ahead in time??

[Quote Retweet] Progress Bar 2023 (@ProgressBar202_)
Nov 28, 2022
2022 is 91% complete.

Dec 2, 2022

:( someone showed me a blog i never knew my friend had and it explains so much....but it also raises so many more questions...my head hurts

[Reply to Watermelon4446 sharing where they found the link:]

huh? yes, that's my channel, but this description thing doesn't show up on my end. you're not messing with me, are you?

[Reply to Watermelon4446 showing the description of the videos:]

that's youtube? but....it looks so different...i'm really confused

[Reply to Watermelon4446 asking what year it is:]

weird question?? it's 2007..

Dec 2, 2022

maybe it also hurts that they didn't feel comfortable to share their struggles with me i think :( i don't know if that's selfish. but i would have helped them in a heartbeat

[Reply to Watermelon4446 asking who's who in the Papo Furado picture:]

um it's okay! my friend bento passed this year, he's the one on the right...the one on the left is elize. wait, i think her boyfriend made some missing person posters of her at the time. give me some secs...

[Quote Retweet of the above] Jan 4, 2023

here! i still had it in my phone @Watermelon4446
if you have any information on it or can share it maybe...thanks.. maybe she's still out there...hopefully!

[Quote Retweet of the above] Feb 8, 2023

wait....wait wait wait wait wait....i just realized?? 31/04 is not a day at all??
maybe it's just a typo, but.. .....with all this weird time stuff going on..

[Reply to Zigys_9th_Plane asking if they have any music available:]

not officially...but they made a cd for friends and stuff. i don't exactly know how to share audio from a cd on twitter, sorry!

[Reply to Zigys_9th_Plane sharing a Happy New Year 2023 cat:]

thanks i guess? new years has been a while ago haha.. but this is cute...and funny. 2023...where'd you get it?

[Reply to Zigys_9th_Plane noting it hasn't been a week into the new year yet:]

YOU'RE silly! :)

[Reply to Zigys_9th_Plane sharing a similar screenshot of their time (Jan 5 2023):]

okay now i'm just really confused..

[Reply to Watermelon4446 explaining the time difference:]

oh........so....you know the weirdest thing? i kind of believe you....i have been noticing so many things off about my twitter page for a while but...how? how is this possible??

[Reply to Zigys_9th_Plane affirming Watermelon4446's statement:]

i mean, the posts i see are weird sometimes, there's a lot of things that when i spoke with my friends about, really confused them..but i had assumed it was just a twitter bubble..this is absurd, just why?? what are we supposed to do?

[Reply to Zigys_9th_Plane saying there might be a connection between Kami and the other users:]

hi i'm so sorry i was overwhelmed....took a break from the computer...
do you know anything about what's been happening? there's soooo much...my friend left a blog with such weird things...i'm going through it still..

[Reply to Zigys_9th_Plane showing Kami the elizeelize comment:]

oh hello, thx! umm is that youtube? answering your question, i'm not really sure..she hadn't told me about any youtube channel. it had been bugging me tho..what if it is her and she's in danger somewhere trying to send me a message? kind of freaky but idk what to do with this..

[Reply to Zigys_9th_Plane assuring Kami it will be alright:]

ahh, it's just that it's the second time i see a weird version of youtube....is it like a modification?
and thank you! that's very kind :)

Feb 20, 2022

.....what is 2023 like....

[Reply to Xx_gothaggot_xX: Messy:]

merp. ominous....

[Reply to Xx_gothaggot_xX describing exponential technology growth:]

i can kind of see that happening O-O
how are cellphones? Is it like a hologram?

[Reply to Zigys_9th_Plane: Confusing, more or less the same, with technology being very prevalent:]

well i can see twitter is still a thing at least.... i wonder what else will come out. this is so weird! you're from the future....i'm talking to someone from the future....