kami tamashiro (@kamitamashiro767) is Kami's channel, found by brightening the end screen of Episode 1[1]. At the time of this episode's release, it had only the first four videos. The first three each have a segment of a link that leads to Socorro's SpaceHey blog[2].


uploaded jan 13 2007 - "my way 2 work everyday....it was really windy.
i recorded this to test my new phone's camera :P"

A low-quality video of Kami walking to work, with distortion in the audio (presumably due to the wind) and increasing visual distortion. The street itself hasn't been identified.

Link segment:

my first video diary

uploaded may 2 2007 - "i should get a better camera but....here are
some of my most recent thoughtss. T - T life is hard"

Kami walking to destinations unknown.

Rough transcription:

Kami: "Hi."Uhm, just wanted to say that… Things are like, difficult right now. I don’t know what to say, um... like, [inaudible] They are actually-"

Link segment:

me and my friends

uploaded jan 29 2007 - "??? i still cant see anything but..."

Kami, Socorro, and Bento hanging out together. The date recorded precedes the upload date by 38 days.


Kami: Hey, look who i have in my place over today!
[Camera points at Socorro, who’s looking at their own camera]
Kami: Hii, smile!
[Socorro smiles, Kami laughs]
[Camera points at Bento looking at a blank wall]
Kami: What are you looking at?
Bento: There, do you see it? There’s a cat on that wall.
Kami: Uhm, I don’t really… *sigh* *grunt*

Link segment:

my second video diary

uploaded june 1st 2007 - "hey, at least i have a
new camera that doesn't suck..."

Kami walking through a metro station in São Paulo.

Rough transcription:

Kami: Hi, uhm, I’ve never seen the underground empty like this so… I thought I’d record some thoughts again. ... Well, uhm, I’ve been through some traumatic things recently, and, I don’t think I’ve quite processed them yet. ... Like, uhm, like, I don’t feel like I’m feeling as much as I should be feeling, you know? [Kami sniffs] ... [Hard cut] I just miss some people who were important to me, I feel a bit, uhm, powerless, I guess. I don’t know, just, just, yeah. That- That’s my truth.

The channel elizeelize[3]commented on this video with a list of metro lines and stations in São Paulo and Kami replied to it with confusion[4], suggesting its association to the general ARG. The lines and stations listed are as follows:

Portuguese English
azul - 2 blue - 2
verde - 7 green - 7
azul - 19 blue - 19
amarela - 5 yellow - 5
amarela - 7 yellow - 7
turquesa - 7 turquoise - 7
vermelha - 4 red - 4
prata - 2 silver - 2
vermelha - 6 red - 6
esmerelda - 6 emerald - 6

A connection between the lines and the main investigation hasn't been found as of 5/6/2023. Any contributions or help are greatly appreciated.