Socorro Souza Itaquera

21 / They/Them

"socorro works the night shift in a toll booth in the middle of one of brazil's biggest roads with their coworkers, kami and bento. they are eccentric and seem to be always lost in their own little world, not showing any care for tragedies or taking traumatic events way too lightly. they tend to not show any expressions on their face, prefering to express themselves through weird poses instead. their insane behaviour always gets on their coworker kami's nerves, but they seem oblivious to that too. they love their job and that's all that matters :)"

Socorro is one of the three protagonists to work as a toll-booth operator on the Imigrantes road. They are a mechanical engineering student with an interest in movies, puzzles, social media, programming, reading, and true crime, the latter providing reasoning for their investigation into the Brazilian gas station murders[1]. Their SpaceHey blog[2] shows investigations of this and Fundação Mariposa[3], as well as their downward mental and somewhat physical spiral upon interacting with Peteca[4] in a dream of theirs[5]. As of Episode 1, their mental state has severely deteriorated and shows an obsession with a "man" named Ricardo Clein, a billboard-esque poster of a shirtless buff man outside of their living space's window, with the tagline "ricardo clein,© ur so sexy.™" and multiple unreadable watermarks akin to a Stock photo. Nothing else is known about Ricardo, and likely will stay that way due to his exhibition as a joke character. Aside from their obsession with Ricardo, Socorro's mental deterioration has also resulted in a loss of empathy (particularly when finding Bento's corpse), a loss of their technological proficiency[6], strange speech patterns both online and offline, seizures resulting in frothy saliva, and hallucinations of Peteca. It is currently unclear if this mental state can or will be reverted.

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